Note: This feature only applies to VedaCMS v9.2 or later.
If you have an older version of VedaCMS installed, you must submit a ticket requesting an upgrade to use this feature.
Auto-Approved Member Requests
The auto-approval code is a new feature in VedaCMS v9.2 and later that allows you to provide instant membership approval to anyone who uses that code in the 'Invitation Code' field of your membership request form. It's intended for situations where you want to provide trusted individuals instant access to your member content without having to manually approve their request in VedaCMS first.
It's important to understand that the auto-approval code is not a password to access your member content. The user you want to give member access to still needs to fill out your member request form, but they'll be instantly approved and sent a membership login if they use the auto-approval code in that 'Invitation Code' field on the request form.
Read below for step-by-step instructions on how to activate and start using this feature.
Setup Instructions:
1. Log into VedaCMS and go to "Settings".
2. Click "Member Settings".
3. Click on "Membership Requests".
4. In the "Auto-Approve Code" field, enter a secret pass phrase or code.
(example: ILoveButterCups).
5. Next, contact the trusted individual you want to provide member access
to and instruct him/her to fill out the member request form on your site.
Give them the auto-approval code and explain that needs to go in the
'Invitation Code' field on the member request form. The code is case
sensitive, so it needs to be entered exactly as you set it.
6. Once your user fills out the request form & inputs the auto-approval code,
their membership request will be instantly approved after they hit submit.
The membership system will automatically generate a password to them
and send it to the email they specified in the form.