I'm a freelancer & work alone, so support availability is limited to normal business days that I can fit in around new websites scheduled on my new development calendar.  In most cases, this typically translates to 2-3 days each week that I can fit in part of the day to work on support requests.

Support Schedule

Specific Days Spent on Support Tickets Vary
Days/times I work on tickets vary from week-to-week - as it depends on how high my current development workload is and the severity/volume/complexity of requests.  Overall, I try to fit in at least a few hours for tickets 2-3 times each week.

Emergency Tickets:
Emergency support requests are exempt from the normal support schedule and are handled as soon as I see them.  To see what qualifies as an emergency issue, read this article.

Turnaround Times:

Due to a high workload & working alone, turnaround times on support requests vary depending on the volume, complexity & severity of incoming requests. I try to do tickets in the order received, but higher-priority issues causing problems or preventing an essential website feature from working are typically bumped to the top of my queue.

Although not always the case, please expect at least a 1-2 week turnaround on low-priority requests. I understand this long of a delay is very inconvenient, but it's the only way I can offer faster turnarounds on more critical issues and still keep up with my normal development workload.

To help avoid delays, be sure to review what Details To Include with Tickets



  • Answering questions or providing usage instructions

  • VedaCMS Bugfixes

  • VedaCMS Upgrades that take less than an hour

  • Fixing something that was the result of my own error or a problem with my server