Have an emergency? Read guidelines below so I can help as quickly as possible.
Ticket Requirements
Send emergency issues to support@vedadesigns.net
Email Subject:
Put "911" or "Emergency" in the subject line so it gets routed to my cell phone
What Qualifies As An Emergency
An emergency is a critical issue that prevents you from conducting business:
- Website not working or an essential page is broken
- Security-related issues that are time sensitive
- Email or contact form problems
- etc
Please don't submit a 911 request for website updates or any other non-critical requests. Emergency requests are handled as soon as I see it - so you shouldn't have to wait more than 24 hours unless it's a weekend or extended time off for vacation (in which case, it may take an extra day before I see your request or have access to my computer)
If You Need Your Site Offline ASAP
Go to the 'Settings' area of VedaCMS and look for the option which allows you to take the site offline. In newer versions of VedaCMS, it's in the 'Website & Security Settings' area.
If Your Website Appears Offline
Possibility #1:
NOTE: Check Server Status to see current uptime monitor.
All web servers are monitored 24/7 by the datacenters I lease them from. If a server goes down due to an issue on their end, they'll automatically take steps to restore it once they detect it's offline. In most cases, it should be fixed within 15-30 minutes unless it's a more serious issue (ie: hardware failure)
Possibility #2:
If you've tried logging into cPanel or webmail unsuccessfully more than a few times in a row with less than 10 minutes between tries, the server may have blocked your IP address from the firewall. To help me troubleshoot, please visit my System Details page and copy/paste the information it shows for your computer so I can check to see if your IP address is being blocked
Possibility #3:
If I manage your domain for you, check to see if you have an unpaid renewal invoice in the billing system (or search your inbox/spam folder for previous invoice emails the billing system would have sent you). If all renewal invoices have been paid, but you're still seeing a GoDaddy or similar parked page on your site - submit a 911 ticket to me and I'll get the issue fixed ASAP. Otherwise, if you manage your own domain - login to your domain registrar to be sure it hasn't expired.
Possibility #4:
Be sure not to delete the page in your VedaCMS that has "index.php" set as the filename. This file is the server's default for what is set as the homepage (or what is seen when only entering your domain in the URL field). Deleting this page will result in a "Forbidden" error page. If you wish to set a new homepage - either edit the content of the current homepage file or rename the filename of the new homepage you want to "index.php" in the "Advanced Options" tab of the editor interface.
Turnaround Times
You should receive a response from me within 24 hours.
The only exception is if I'm on vacation or offline for more than a couple of days due to illness or scheduled time off.
Please know that I will make every effort to take care of your emergency as soon as I can. However, please keep the following in mind:
I'm a Freelancer & Work Alone
I run my business completely alone and no longer use an assistant as of June 2019. Although I support a large client base due to the number of years I've been doing this (started in 2005) - I'm not a large company & cannot be available 24/7 to clients. I have a family. I sleep. I take vacations & days off.
Please Do Not Flood / Spam My Inbox within multiple emails during the first 24 hours
If you've submitted a 911 ticket and I don't respond right away, it's because I haven't seen it yet or am not in a situation where I can fix it (ie: such as being away from my office & work files). Please don't send dozens of emails within the first day if you don't get an immediate reply. It will SLOW DOWN the process when I get back online because I have to read through everything to see if you sent additional information. A 2nd ticket within 6-12 hours is ok if you're worried, but please give me up to 24 hours.
If You Don't Hear From Me Within 24 Hours
In the event you don't get a response within 24 hours, you can try contacting me through any of the following methods:
Google Hangouts: tara@vedadesigns.net
Usually signed in while at my desk & should get notifications on my cell
Text: 585.205.TARA (585.205.8272)
(MUST have a corresponding ticket submitted for me to reference & respond to. Please don't use this number for anything but emergencies, as I don't answer calls here or work over the phone)