Links that drop down to content on the same page are called Anchor links, and you can add these to your page by following these steps:
1. Log into VedaCMS and click "Pages".
2. Next to the page you want to create the anchor links in, click the "edit"
3. Select the word(s) at the start of the content you want visitors to drop
down to.
4. Click the "Anchor" icon in your editor toolbar (it looks like a small flag
and is next to the link icons).
5. Enter a unique anchor name (the name is used to identify the anchor, so
make sure you don't give any other anchors the same name).
6. Click "OK".
7. Repeat the above as needed for each section of content you want to
provide anchor links to.
Step #2: Create your links
Now we need to create the links that visitors will click on to drop down to your anchor points.
1. Select the word(s) to be used for the link.
2. Click the "Link" icon in the editor toolbar.
3. Under the "Link Type" drop-down, select "Link to anchor in the text".
4. Under the "By Anchor Name" drop-down, select the anchor name you
created in Step #1 above.
5. Click "OK".
6. Repeat the above as need for each of the anchor links you created in Step