To add a page to your website menu, follow these steps:

  1. Log into VedaCMS and click on "Menu".
    Tip: Applies to v9.3 or later. If you don't see this option, request a VedaCMS Upgrade.

  2. Scroll down to the second table on that page below the "Non-Menu Pages" heading. Click the "+" icon next to the page you want added to the menu.
    Tip: New pages must first be created in the "Pages" area.

  3. Click on and drag the "move" icon to change the position of the page.
    Tip: Menu pages get added to the bottom by default.

  4. Rename menu label (if desired) by clicking the edit icon. After making the change, hit enter on your keyboard to save.
    Tip: You can also just click on the page name itself to trigger the editable field.